Builds Quonset bunkers for a living. Lives in Dome Home in the woods

David builds underground Quonset huts, so when he saw a rundown Monolithic Dome for sale, he bought it and began rebuilding it into a home for himself. Built from steel-reinforced with polyurethane foam , the framework is disaster-proof and highly insulated (R-80).

Built to be entirely off-grid, with solar panels, batteries, and a propane washer/dryer, it is very affordable to heat during the wet and cold of the Pacific Northwest winter and stays cool even during summertime heat waves.

While the exterior was zombie-proof, the interior was mostly a blank canvas with a and a large open space. David designed a curving serpent to a round bedroom. Using 24-foot-long beams—the maximum length from a local mill—he set the room's and the exposed- bedroom ceiling and the floor of the office above it.

As an experienced , David works on his home at night and on weekends, so it's a long-term build that he can tailor as he lives in it and finds new needs.

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  1. Monolithic domes, like this, are the best kind (made from a one piece shell of concrete). They are extremely strong, very insulated (with foam), and not prone to leaking. The problem with Geodesic domes is all the seams where the triangles meet. Eventually, these seams may leak.

  2. I also live in a dome home! Mine is a 50 foot diameter monolithic institute’s dome and half buried on the north side. It’s very energy efficient but we are not off grid. I’d love to chat some time!

  3. Man oh man, loved this design and build, one of the best you guys have reviewed for a while. Loved the internal balconies of the dome.

  4. Ahhh…curvi-linear architecture always been my absolute favourite. Thanks Kirsten – really loved his take & response to living in a curved space

  5. Just wondering how the drainage works as the rain water comes off the structure and that it sits on the bottom of a slope. Very cool house.

  6. Thank you for one more Artis Dome . Love It ! I got little money . Want this man to build it , yea ? You could use epoxy paint on the outside of the dome .

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